Thursday, December 08, 2005

Out and about

I'm currently out traveling Europe for a month.
(In Germany right now)

I may or may not get a chance to post things as I go.
Expect lot of posts after I get back (Jan 5), including a couple I had in the works before I left.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Biking vs. Driving Pictoral

In comparison to my post regarding the beauty of the American river bike trail while commuting to work, I’ve put the pictures side by side to what I see when driving. These pics were from was an ok traffic day. Yeah, I should fix the crack in the windshield.

Biking pictures on the left, driving on the right, not so bad so far

On ramp up the levee to get on the trail; On ramp to get on the free way

Along the trail, with the Sac State bridge in the background. On the freeway going under and overpass.

On the trail, on the freeway

On the trail, on the freeway

On the trail, on the freeway

On the trail, on the freeway

On the trail, on the freeway

One more time. I see a trend developing

Keep in mind, I like the physical act of driving; I think its fun. As far as commuting goes though, the cost benefit analysis just doesn't add up. I wonder how much productivity is lost in this country do to commuting????